GBase 8a集群暂停定时任务event disable

gbase> use gclusterdb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.03)

gbase> alter event import_audit_log disable;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.01)

gbase> select * from gbase.event\G
* 1. row *
db: gbase
name: drop_temp_table
definer: root@localhost
execute_at: NULL
interval_value: 1
interval_field: DAY
created: 2019-10-27 01:03:07
modified: 2019-10-27 01:03:07
last_executed: NULL
starts: 2019-10-27 01:03:07
ends: NULL
status: ENABLED
on_completion: DROP
execute_mode: 1
time_zone: +08:00
character_set_client: utf8
collation_connection: utf8_general_ci
db_collation: utf8_general_ci
* 2. row *
db: gclusterdb
name: import_audit_log
body: begin declare errno int; declare msg text; declare exit handler for sqlexception begin get diagnostics condition 1 errno = gbase_errno, msg = message_text; create table if not exists import_audit_log_errors(err_time datetime, hostname varchar(64), err_no int, msg_txt varchar(1024)) CHARSET=utf8mb4; insert into import_audit_log_errors values (now(), @@hostname, errno, substr(msg, 0, 1024)); end; create table if not exists audit_log_express (hostname varchar(64), thread_id int, taskid bigint, start_time datetime, uid bigint, user varchar(16), host_ip varchar(32), query_time time, rows bigint, table_list varchar(4096), sql_text varchar(8191), sql_type varchar(16), sql_command varchar(32), operators varchar(256), status varchar(16), conn_type varchar(16)) CHARSET=utf8mb4; set self sql_mode = ''; create self table gbase.audit_log_bak2 like gbase.audit_log; set self sql_mode = default; rename self table gbase.audit_log to gbase.audit_log_bak1, gbase.audit_log_bak2 to gbase.audit_log; set _gbase_query_path = on; insert into audit_log_express select @@hostname as hostname, thread_id, taskid, start_time, uid, user, host_ip, query_time, rows, substr(table_list, 0, 4096), substr(sql_text, 0, 8191), sql_type, sql_command, operators, status, conn_type from gbase.audit_log_bak1; drop self table gbase.audit_log_bak1; end
definer: root@%
execute_at: NULL
interval_value: 60
interval_field: MINUTE
created: 2017-12-01 00:00:00
modified: 2020-03-03 15:55:11
last_executed: NULL
starts: 2017-12-01 00:00:00
ends: NULL
status: DISABLED
on_completion: DROP
execute_mode: 0
time_zone: +08:00
character_set_client: utf8
collation_connection: utf8_general_ci
db_collation: utf8_general_ci
body_utf8: begin declare errno int; declare msg text; declare exit handler for sqlexception begin get diagnostics condition 1 errno = gbase_errno, msg = message_text; create table if not exists import_audit_log_errors(err_time datetime, hostname varchar(64), err_no int, msg_txt varchar(1024)) CHARSET=utf8mb4; insert into import_audit_log_errors values (now(), @@hostname, errno, substr(msg, 0, 1024)); end; create table if not exists audit_log_express (hostname varchar(64), thread_id int, taskid bigint, start_time datetime, uid bigint, user varchar(16), host_ip varchar(32), query_time time, rows bigint, table_list varchar(4096), sql_text varchar(8191), sql_type varchar(16), sql_command varchar(32), operators varchar(256), status varchar(16), conn_type varchar(16)) CHARSET=utf8mb4; set self sql_mode = ''; create self table gbase.audit_log_bak2 like gbase.audit_log; set self sql_mode = default; rename self table gbase.audit_log to gbase.audit_log_bak1, gbase.audit_log_bak2 to gbase.audit_log; set _gbase_query_path = on; insert into audit_log_express select @@hostname as hostname, thread_id, taskid, start_time, uid, user, host_ip, query_time, rows, substr(table_list, 0, 4096), substr(sql_text, 0, 8191), sql_type, sql_command, operators, status, conn_type from gbase.audit_log_bak1; drop self table gbase.audit_log_bak1; end
2 rows in set (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00)